A unit of the University System of Georgia
131 College Circle
Swainsboro, GA 30401
(478) 289-2000
Fall 2019
MATH 1001: Quantitative Skills – Reasoning
Section W, CRN 80439
I. Instructor: Dr. Bob Brown, Jr.
II. Office Information: Cell Phone: (478) 494-2592, e-mail: bbrown@ega.edu
III. Course Description: Course places quantitative skills and reasoning in the context of experiences that a student will likely encounter. Emphasis is place on acquiring skills that will enable a student to construct logical arguments based on rules of inference and to develop strategies for solving quantitative problems.
IV. Prerequisites: Acceptable scores on the CPE, COMPASS, ACT, or SAT
V. Textbook (Free available in D2L): Math in Society, 2.4 Edition, David Lippman
VI. Course Learning Outcomes with Linkages to General Education Student Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes
Corresponding General Education Student Learning Outcomes
3. Students will demonstrate skill in logic and critical thinking.
4. Students will demonstrate proficiency at solving problems algebraically, numerically, and graphically.
VII. Evaluation
Tests: There will be four tests.
Homework: Homework will be assigned via https://www.myopenmath.com/
Final Exam: There will be a comprehensive final exam. The exam will be on Thursday or Friday December 12 or December 13 in our Swainsboro, Statesboro, or Augusta ACE locations or on ProctorU
VIII. Grading
Tests: 50% Homework: 20 % Final Exam: 30 % Total: 100 %
90% – 100% = A 80% – 89% = B 70% – 79% = C 60% – 69% = D <60% = F
IX. Attendance Policy
In an online environment, it is important that you actively engage with course material and participate in class discussions. Thus, it is imperative that you look at your CATS mail and log into D2L daily to stay abreast of any course announcements and current assignments.
X. Make-up Policy
To make-up a test you must have a valid reason (e.g. court, medical, activity duty, etc) accompanied by official documentation for verification purposes. Once a make-up is granted you will have one week from the date that the make-up is granted to complete it. If the make-up is not completed within this timeframe, then the grade of zero will remain. The instructor reserves the right to determine whether a make-up will be granted and the time, place, and format of the make-up.
Please note: Assignments are not reopened at the end of the semester. So, please do not make this request as this penalizes students who have completely assignments on time. Also, there are no retakes on tests. Finally, please do not ask for extra credit because there are multiple opportunities throughout the semester for you to demonstrate your mastery of course material.
XI. Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct of any form is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Incidents of academic misconduct will be dealt with per the procedures delineated in the EGSC Student Handbook (http://www.ega.edu/policy/04-student-handbook.pdf).
XII. ADA Statement
If there is any student in the class who needs accommodations due to learning disabilities or other kinds of disabilities, he or she needs to contact Counseling and Disability Services at (912) 623 – 2406 or stop by the office located at the EGSC-Statesboro Center for assistance.
XIII. Course Withdrawal Policy Statement
Students are responsible for their own academic progress. Decisions regarding withdrawal from courses should be made after consultation with an academic advisor. Also, before withdrawing from a course, students are strongly encouraged to meet with a Financial Aid representative to discuss their personal financial aid situation. More information regarding withdrawal from courses can be found in the EGSC catalog at http://www.ega.edu/images/uploads/egsc-catalog-2014-2015.pdf
XIV. Campus Emergency Policy
a. In the event the fire alarm is sounded, everyone must evacuate the building at once and in a calm and orderly fashion, using the nearest exit. In the event of a severe weather warning everyone must proceed immediately to the nearest designated shelter area which are marked by a small tornado symbol. All severe weather shelter locations are posted on the EGSC website. Each student should, on the first day of class, determine the location of the nearest exit and the nearest designated shelter area for each of his or her classrooms. If you have difficulties locating either, ask your instructor to assist you.
b. The Connect-ED system is a communication service that enables East Georgia State College administrators and security personnel to quickly contact all East Georgia State College students, faculty and staff with personalized voice and text messages that contain emergency-related campus information (e.g., campus closing, campus threat, health scare, etc.) With Connect-ED, East Georgia State College students can be reached and provided with vital instructions anywhere, anytime, through their cell phones, home phones, e-mail, TTY/TDD receiving devices, or other text-receiving devices. (http://www.ega.edu/images/uploads/ConnectEd_Instructions10-01-12.pdf)
c. EGSC-S students should make themselves familiar with Georgia Southern University’s Eagle Alert System http://www.georgiasouthern.edu/eaglealert
In the event of an emergency, EGSC-S students should follow the instructions of EGSC-S faculty and staff members and GSU campus officials.
XV. Campus Carry
As of July 1st, 2017, new Campus Carry legislation relating to the carrying and possession of handguns on campus took effect in the University System of Georgia.
Please review specific Campus Carry information on the College’s website www.ega.edu/campuscarry to determine the impact this new legislation may have on you, the student. Violation of the Campus Carry law is also a violation of the EGSC Student Code of Conduct.
Please direct questions or report suspected violations to:
EGSC Police Department: Main Campus: 478-289-2090 OR Statesboro: 912-623-2462
Augusta University Police Department: 706-721-8119
XVI. Additional Course Requirements
Calculator: Only a standalone scientific or graphing calculator may be used for this course. It is strongly recommended that you purchase the TI-30XIIS Multiview calculator or a TI 83/84 Graphing Calculator.
MyMathLab: Setup via the MyMathLab Instructions located in D2L.
XVII. Additional Policies
a. Cell Phones & Electronic Devices
You may call me on my cell phone 478-494-2592
I reserve the right to modify the content, assignments, structure, and/or pacing of the course as necessary.